CVPR 2014 Awards Page | ||
Main Conference Awards
At the AC meeting, the AC panels selected a list of outstanding papers for consideration for an award. The 10 top papers from this list were sent to an independent Awards Committee, which was comprised by people that had not participated in the review process of these papers, had no conflict of interest with any of the authors and institutions of the authors of these papers, and were experts in the areas of the top 10 papers. The Awards Committee selected three awards. Awards Committee: Stan Sclaroff (Chair), Alan Yuille, Guillermo Sapiro, Serge Belongie, Todd Zickler. Best Paper Award (Sponsored by Microsoft Research): ![]() What Camera Motion Reveals About Shape with Unknown BRDF Manmohan Chandraker (NEC Labs America) Pictured: Rick Szeliski (representing sponsor Microsoft Research), Manmohan Chandraker (Award Winner) Best Paper Honorable Mention (Sponsored by Google): ![]() 3D Shape and Indirect Appearance by Structured Light Transport Matthew O'Toole, John Mather, Kyros Kutulakos (University of Toronto) Pictured: Ronen Basri and Cornelia Fermuller (Program Chairs), Matthew O'Toole and Kyros Kutulakos (Award Winners) Best Student Paper Award (Sponsored by Face++): ![]() Partial Optimality by Pruning for MAP-inference with General Graphical Models Paul Swoboda, Bogdan Savchynskyy, Joerg Kappes, Christoph Schnörr (Heidelberg University) Pictured: Cornelia Fermuller and Ronen Basri (Program Chairs), Bogdan Savchynskyy and Joerg Kappes (Award Winners) PAMI-TC Awards Details on the award committees and procedures can be found here. 2014 Longuet-Higgins Prize (Sponsored by ![]() A performance evaluation of local descriptors Krystian Mikolajczyk (not pictured) and Cordelia Schmid Pictured: Mark Nitzberg (representing sponsor A9), Cordelia Schmid (Prize Winner) 2014 PAMI Young Researcher Awards (Sponsored by Elsevier's Image and Vision Computing Journal): ![]() Derek Hoiem and Jamie Shotton Demo Awards Outstanding Demo Real-Time Video Magnification Neal Wadhwa (MIT CSAIL), Michael Rubinstein (Microsoft Research), Frédo Durand (MIT CSAIL), William T. Freeman (MIT CSAIL) Cash prize sponsored by Xerox Hardware prize sponsored by NVIDIA Honorable Mention Demo Learning to be a Depth Camera Sean Ryan Fanello, Cem Keskin, Shahram Izadi, Pushmeet Kohli, David Kim, David Sweeney, Antonio Criminisi, Jamie Shotton, Sing Bing Kang, Tim Paek (Microsoft Research) Cash prize sponsored by Xerox Hardware prize sponsored by NVIDIA Demo Award Selection Committee
PAMI-TC Meeting Voting Results Please find the voting results for the motions raised at the PAMI-TC meeting here. |